What is PeopleSoft ERP and How Can It Help You Grow Your Business

Every business organization faces the same challenge, grow your business, or go obsolete. That’s especially true in intensely competitive industries. Streamlining how your organization manages critical everyday business tasks with help from the right digital tools, like PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning software, is a proven way to boost growth. This solution can help you increase profits, shorten time to product market, increase productivity, and turn customer satisfaction into brand loyalty.

Why PeopleSoft? Because the PeopleSoft system leverages the power of digital technology to transform operations and provide an almost immediate return on investment. Many users, for example, see a 3070 percent savings in their data center costs by reducing or even eliminating the majority of this overhead. Digital transformation using PeopleSoft is a leading growth strategy among today’s businesses. In fact, a 2018 Tech Pro Research survey shows that 70% of survey respondents said their companies either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working hard on one.

What is PeopleSoft ERP?

PeopleSoft ERP enables what many call “the Real-Time” business model. An on-premise solution that you can host on any Cloud, PeopleSoft is an integrated suite of business applications—CRM, HR, Project Administration, and so on—that assists you in the daily execution and operations of business processes. Built on a client/server architecture, this solution lets you connect directly to business processes, eliminating inside and outside intermediaries, stepping up efficiency, and slashing costs.

This latest version provides everything you need to integrate this functional toolset into all aspects of your business. You can use it to manage human resource tasks, build customer relationships, and make narrative reporting easier. Plus, you can customize it to update itself around your schedule.

So, what is PeopleSoft ERP? It’s a product line of applications designed for today’s businesses. Part of the Oracle software family, PeopleSoft is a complete software solution offering unique tools and applications for general business use, including materials, payroll, and communication management. Ideal for mid-size to large corporations, this workforce management solution offers a full menu of applications you can use to manage, plan, and track operations.

What Does PeopleSoft Do?

PeopleSoft provides all the tools you need to manage your most critical business tasks efficiently and effectively. User-friendly, the PeopleSoft system lets you choose the tools you think you’ll need and opt-out of the rest. What’s more, PeopleSoft saves data to the Cloud. That means you never have to worry about losing track of essential tasks or sensitive information. This solution even lets you transfer data within your business, manage reports, and build customer relationships.

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM), for example, allows you to carry out HR tasks, such as managing team members, approving promotions, editing employee personal information, and viewing pay slips. It also allows you to analyze employee and organizational data using its analytics software.

PeopleSoft HCM is highly customizable. You can adapt it to just about any industry or situation. More importantly, its broad portfolio of applications features industry-specific functionality and provides unprecedented flexibility to optimize business operations and competitiveness.

With PeopleSoft, you can track, oversee, and administer tasks for your entire workforce, from employees, managers, contingent workers to student workers, contractors, and faculty. Plus, you can use PeopleSoft to create clusters on the Cloud, use your data in applications, and transfer your migrating and testing developments to the Cloud.

What does PeopleSoft ERP Offer You?

Thousands of organizations worldwide use PeopleSoft for their businesses. Oracle’s website says more than 30,000 use it.  PeopleSoft not only streamlines, monitors, and tracks business processes. It also organizes employee information, departments, tasks, and employee benefits. Well-suited for addressing Human Capital Management (HCM) and Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) needs, PeopleSoft has a strong presence in many industries, including healthcare, public sectors, education, research, and professional and financial services.

Below are some critical business applications PeopleSoft includes. These applications can help you carve out a distinct competitive advantage.

  • PeopleSoft Selection Adoption 9.2 — Concerned about updates? This app lets you choose not only the updates you want but also when to apply them. Updates occur about every ten weeks. The application also lets you retain primary strategic customizations within your parameters.
  • PeopleSoft Application Engine — This app lets you create, test, and apply online batch programs requiring high-volume background processing. Like COBOL applications, the engine provides more efficient updates than COBOL, thanks to a database containing all the information you need for updating.
  • PeopleSoft Deployment Framework—This tool lets you transfer data to virtual systems in the Oracle Cloud and migrate data from PeopleSoft Development and Testing to the Cloud.
  • PeopleTools — This software defines PeopleSoft. A robust application development tool, it lets you customize PeopleSoft objects to meet your business needs. People Tools is also robust enough to build a “bolt-on” application to integrate with the PeopleSoft Business Objects.
  • PeopleSoft within Oracle Cloud — This application lets you pull up PeopleSoft products through the Cloud. You can also use this app to launch other PeopleSoft applications all from one place, including PeopleSoft HCM and other tools you employ daily.

These features are just some of the firepower you get with PeopleSoft. The system also lets you pick which technology solutions you want to use based on your technology demands and your need to track, plan, and manage your technical footprint from a centralized toolset.

What Is PeopleSoft Suite Used For?

Businesses can use PeopleSoft software to manage their daily functions and back-office operations—tasks that would typically require several software platforms or external departments to track and execute. The PeopleSoft system also combines features and functionality for managing several business departments at once. This combination of features and functionality is unmatched by competitors.

Some of the most critical digital tools PeopleSoft offers include:

  • Human Resources Management System (HRMS) manages human resources activities, such as processing new hires, accessing timesheets, and updating crucial data like benefits and taxes.
  • Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) helps you manage sales and marketing every step of the way. That, in turn, enables you to forge customer relationships and communicate effectively with buyers. Plus, it lets you monitor sales analytics, conversions, purchases, and customer satisfaction.
  • Financial and Supply Chain Management System (FSCM) helps you manage financial and supply chains including payroll, inventory, restocking, tracking shipments, input project balances, and modifying project team tasks.
  • Enterprise Performance Management Systems (EPM) helps you address enterprise performance activities, including tax management, data collection, narrative reporting, profitability, cost management, and account reconciliation.
  • Business Process Management System (BPM) lets you schedule orders and daily workflow, automate processes to free up more time in your day and employ CRM apps to tackle salesforce tasks through the Salesforce Service Cloud.

The above are PeopleSoft’s most basic mission-critical applications. But they’re not the only ones available. Others exist that can boost your competitiveness and your chances of surviving in intensely competitive environments.

What Are the Benefits of PeopleSoft?

PeopleSoft’s benefits are compelling. Plus, Oracle is constantly updating the system to give you the most functional, user-friendly management tool possible. In fact, PeopleSoft is among the most trusted set of business tools available. Since it’s an app, you can use it on any electronic or mobile device.

Critical benefits PeopleSoft provides, in addition to boosting efficiency, productivity, and profitability, include:

  • Instant scalability
  • Increased security and speed
  • Improved time to market
  • More effective budgeting
  • Resource optimization
  • Increased focus on transformational projects
  • Lower hardware/data center costs

Put simply, PeopleSoft helps you do more with less. It’s ideal for modernizing your data center, cutting operational costs, and reliving pressure on operational budgets.

CherryRoad’s PeopleSoft Services

Businesses need to grow if they want to survive. Those that don’t fall by the wayside. Digital transformation tools like PeopleSoft can help you grow by boosting competitiveness and streamlining critical business tasks. That boosts profits, shortens time to market, and increases brand loyalty—all while keeping your data safe and secure. Plus, PeopleSoft can help you not only plan, organize, and manage data but also generate valuable insights in businesses operations.

A PeopleSoft hosting solution can boost cost savings and speed ROI. But implementing it correctly is easier said than done. CherryRoad has the experience and expertise to customize a PeopleSoft solution that meets both your current and future needs. Plus, we offer extensive support services including infrastructure management, system administration, application support, backup/disaster recovery, and operating system security. We even have our own Tier 3 data centers where we can host PeopleSoft workloads. In short, we can migrate, host, and manage your PeopleSoft solution for you, saving money and generating peace of mind.

CherryRoad upgrades your system and provides testing, application support, and managed services to ensure you get the best possible usage from PeopleSoft. Contact the experts at CherryRoad at info@cherryroad.com for more information.