Digital Asset Cloud

An Easy and Secure Way to Store and Share Documents and Digital Media

A centralized storage area providing protection against permanent loss of digital assets, including built-in encryption and security; store, search, and retrieve capabilities; and redundant backup, with an easy-to-use modern look and feel all on a cloud-hosted, dedicated, private network.

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A centralized storage area providing protection against permanent loss of digital assets, including built-in encryption and security; store, search, and retrieve capabilities; and redundant backup, with an easy-to-use modern look and feel all on a cloud-hosted, dedicated, private network.

  • Encrypted and secure stored data and network environment with a fully supported help desk 24x7x365
  • Web interface for storing, viewing, and sharing digital assets
  • Supports industry standard file format guidelines
  • Tiered system of permissions-based users
  • One-time enablement
    • Solution provisioned, secure connectivity, service setup, and branding
    • Training for core users (Train-the-Trainer approach)
  • Annual subscription
    • SLAs 100% uptime outside maintenance windows
    • Security Fully secure solution at the infrastructure, application, user access control, and interface layers
    • Release Management Application releases, upgrades, and maintenance
    • Incident Management 24—7 Intellicenter support, issue management and resolution services (break/fix), and technical/functional support


  • Documents
  • Video/digital media
  • Public announcements
  • Board & committee meeting minutes
  • Live taped sessions
  • ANY public or private collateral


  • Openly with the public, such as community centers, children and adult learning institutions, etc.
  • Privately with employees or permissions-based users