The Benefits of Hosting Your PeopleSoft System in the Cloud

PeopleSoft applications through Oracle are a set of on-premises programs intended to help organizations streamline overall processes. PeopleSoft tools are utilized to manage customer relationships, financial and supply chains, human resources, and enterprise performance. All of these processes are essential to the operation of a business and can be streamlined tremendously through the use of cloud technology.

The migration to cloud computing and digital business has led many CIOs and CFOs to consider methods of modernizing the way ERP (enterprise resource planning) budgets are structured. IT leaders are seeing an increasing need to manage existing PeopleSoft software environments and associated costs. Fortunately, cloud technology can be used to mitigate these common public sector issues.

peoplesoft deployed on cloud

Can PeopleSoft Applications Exist in the Cloud?

PeopleSoft platform applications have been deployed within cloud infrastructures across all major public cloud providers in addition to many private cloud systems. Cloud computing in PeopleSoft Cloud Manager, in fact, allows for flexible scaling based on demand and access to secured environments, as well as automated applications patching and comprehensive self-service provisioning.

Challenges of On-Premises Application Maintenance

  • Scalability  When website traffic suddenly increases and infrastructure is not quite ready to handle the traffic, there are chances of downtime. Scalability is critical in these scenarios. PeopleSoft applications that are securely hosted in the cloud will make it much easier to scale quickly should this happen.
  • Data Storage  Many public sector entities process and store an overload of data. PeopleSoft on the cloud allows you to store data through your public cloud vendor, thereby eliminating the need to purchase and manage separate data storage infrastructure and making better use of taxpayer funds.
  • Geographical Expansion  If your organization wants to expand to new locations, setting up IT infrastructure in each new location can be extremely time-consuming and expensive. It would also require staff at each location as well as new software and hardware. Moving your PeopleSoft platform to the cloud ahead of expansion is absolutely critical for a smooth transition.

Benefits of Moving PeopleSoft to Cloud

A survey conducted by the Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF) and the technology advisory firm Gartner found that 53% of CFOs agree that over half of all of their enterprise transactions and applications will be delivered via cloud computing over the next four years. These public sector leaders are seeing extensive benefits associated with hosting PeopleSoft systems in the cloud. Examples include:

  • Security  Public sector organizations deal with sensitive information on a daily basis. In order to best serve citizens, it is imperative that these organizations do their utmost to safeguard private data and information. Cloud vendors, like CherryRoad, can patch compromised PeopleSoft software and safeguard your organization with multi-layered security.
  • Compliance  Working with a public cloud vendor means partnering with a team of experts in all necessary compliance standards for your government agency. IT leaders know the importance of maintaining compliance but are often extremely busy with a range of other tasks. Shifting to the cloud helps to ensure that applications, security processes, and infrastructure are compliant.
  • Modernization  One of the biggest advantages to moving PeopleSoft platform applications to the cloud is that it will make operating a public sector entity simpler and more efficient. CFOs and CIOs are already under a great deal of pressure. Many do not have the time or access to the bandwidth needed to monitor performance and respond to all incoming requests. A cloud vendor can host core business applications and outfit your business with tools that automate tasks and improve performance, efficiency, communication, and compliance overall.
  • Cost Savings  Operating PeopleSoft on the cloud can save a public sector organization costs associated with fully utilizing and optimizing hardware, staffing needs, and improved resilience. This then creates more space in their budgets that can be allocated to better serving communities.

Host on Private or Public Cloud?

Private cloud hosting is a good option for public sector businesses that already have high-cost data centers because they can use existing infrastructure. On the other hand, public cloud hosting allows an organization to store its data in the vendor’s data center. The vendor is then responsible for the management of the data center, thereby taking the burden off the CIO or other organization leaders. This enables government leaders to ethically allocate taxpayer money. The major difference between public and private clouds is the level of responsibility for the management of the cloud hosting solution.

Common Reasons for Resistance to Move to Cloud

There is often some resistance to PeopleSoft cloud migration due to misconceptions about security. Some individuals mistakenly believe that their data will not be securely protected when stored in a public cloud. However, cloud vendors that offer this service offer fortified environments that make use of extensive security features and multiple layers of protection that public sector organizations often do not have otherwise. Some CFOs and CIOs believe the costs of PeopleSoft software cloud integration will not hit their IT budgets. However, many vendors offer service-oriented public cloud hosting that is flexible and easy to budget based on storage fees, data movement, and other factors.

What Method Should be Used to Migrate PeopleSoft to the Cloud?

According to Gartner, the following six-step method should be utilized by a cloud vendor when migrating all PeopleSoft versions to the cloud:

  • Rehost
  • Replatform
  • Repurchase
  • Refactor
  • Retire
  • Retain

The first three of these steps refer to the migration process. Rehosting, or lift and shift, involves taking a snapshot of the application server VMs (virtual machines) on the source environment. This includes boot records and OS (operating system). Replatforming entails redeploying the application on a modernized and upgraded OS. Refactoring involves improving code to strengthen the structure of the component and nonfunctional attributes.

How CherryRoad Cloud Hosting Can Help

At CherryRoad, we offer a specialized and targeted approach to helping organizations modernize their operations via cloud technology. We use a number of metrics, such as database size and traffic patterns, in order to deliver an optimal PeopleSoft cloud integration experience. CherryRoad’s cloud platform provides clients with on-demand provisioning of virtual machines with any combination of operation system, memory, and storage. Our experts can help public sector government leaders gain the necessary comprehension of cloud hosting and the ways it can facilitate a stronger overall public sector organization. Our team will work side-by-side with yours to develop a flexible and scalable resource pool that can provide any configuration of VMs necessary. CherryRoad helps leaders accelerate their organizations into the future by integrating PeopleSoft software with dynamically hosted and public cloud solutions that work to enable disaster recovery, maintain compliance and improve performance altogether.

Contact Us

To know more about how CherryRoad can help you deploy the PeopleSoft system on the cloud, please mail us at info at cherryroad dot com.