How FCC Funding will bring 5G Internet Service to the Rural Communities

With the leading carriers all racing to provide the first-of-its-kind 5G network, there is plenty of buzz and excitement about the technology. As a CIO or IT leader, you know that the arrival of 5G has not just transformed tech, but it has provided an entirely new mobile experience. Did you know that this wireless technology is being introduced in the US with the main aim of slashing maintenance costs and energy consumption?

There is considerable excitement and buzz about the deployment of 5G Internet in the US. However, keep in mind that 5G service in its stand-alone and purest form has its unique challenges and issues when it comes to deployment in many rural areas. In Oct 2020, the industry received billions in federal support in order to help subsidize the high cost of building the latest broadband networks in rural America.

What is 5G and Why is it Important for High Speed?

5G is the fifth-generation mobile network, and its predecessors include LTE, 3G, and 4G LTE. It is a next-generation wireless technology and is changing how people live, play, and work. It is faster and can handle more connected devices than the current 4G LTE network.

To provide super-high speeds, note that a 5G network depends on very high-frequency radio waves. These waves travel only a short distance. There is no doubt that 5G significantly improves the real-world speeds that users experience.

Did you know that speeds of up to 10 Gbps represent up to a 100 times increase than 4G? Keep in mind that devices, such as smartphones and tablets, running 5G service connectivity will experience a big battery drain, which will result in the need for better battery technology. 5G provides faster average download speeds than Wi-Fi in many leading 5G countries.

However, as these radio waves travel only a short distance, more cell towers are required in order to keep the network up and running.  For 5G to shine in a highly populated city, cell towers need to be close to wherever connected devices, such as phones, will need access to them. These locations can include intersections and college campuses.

The considerably higher bandwidth that 5G Internet offers allows rural end-users to enjoy and experience high-speed Internet connectivity similar to their suburban and urban counterparts. You should know that still, a lot of work is to be done in order to bring all of rural America online; however, the 5G service progress is making headway, primarily in urban areas.

What are the Local Trends in 5G?

Since 5G networks depend on a large number of small cell towers, most cities and towns seeking to deploy these networks will have to make considerable investments in infrastructure. They may have to add as many as 3 to 10 times the number of cell towers. A Deloitte study found that the US will have to invest between $130 and $150 billion in fiber optic cabling in order to meet the high network connectivity demands of these sites.

America’s race for the best and most reliable 5G service is in full swing, and it is tough to tell who is winning. While the big three carriers like to boast their interactive maps, the marathon is certainly nowhere near over. Did you know that Opensignal released the results of a new research study of the state of 5G Internet in the US?

And when it comes to 5G availability, Texas and Illinois came in nearly neck and neck for the top spot, with the latter just barely edging out the former. In contrast, Vermont took last place for 5G Internet availability with a big margin behind New Hampshire.

Rural US Cities and Counties Lack 5G Services

It may be surprising that millions of Americans, especially in rural areas, still lack reliable and fast internet access. It is no secret that the lack of broadband in rural areas and counties is among the most striking inequalities in US society. Because of the lack of broadband availability in these areas, tens of millions of rural Americans cannot “see” their doctor or healthcare professional over the internet in the same way urban and suburban Americans can.

This is why lawmakers and many consumer advocate groups in the country are pressing telecommunication companies to make sure that rural areas aren’t left behind in the race to adopt 5G mobile technology. While most urban regions have access to 4G mobile broadband and high-speed internet, outside the highways that cut across the country, massive swaths of America usually lack any consistent and reliable broadband connection.

What is 5G FCC Funding for Rural America?

The Biden administration’s infrastructure proposal includes billions for broadband builds in unserved and underserved areas. Note that coupled with current federal broadband programs, this funding would provide financial assistance to build new networks. This would go a long way to bridge the digital divide in the US.

It is worth noting that the 5G Fund for Rural America will award financial support to 5G carriers in the US through a competitive reverse auction in 2 phases. Phase I targets $8 billion in support throughout the nation to all eligible rural areas without 5G broadband service and subsidized 4G LTE. And $680 million of support is reserved for service to Tribal lands.

On the other hand, Phase II focuses on support to specifically target the deployment of various technologically innovative 5G networks to facilitate precision agriculture.

5G is important for rural areas as it presents the potential to create many new high-tech jobs as well as create new economic opportunities. This will help curb the trend of companies and businesses choosing only urban cities for new headquarters and campuses.

How CherryRoad can help Local Cities and Counties Provide 5G Broadband

CherryRoad believes that 5G broadband internet will help address the digital divide between highly connected urban areas, such as New York or Boston, and rural areas that have few options for affordable and high-speed broadband. CherryRoad sees wireless broadband as an important means of providing Internet connectivity to many hard-to-reach rural areas in the US.

Given the scale of the needed capital investment, complicated regulatory framework, and crucial nature of street poles to 5G, there is no doubt that government will be a huge part of any comprehensive solution. However, organizations and communities need not wait to act.

CherryRoad can help local cities and counties provide 5G broadband services and help them benefit from 5G Funding. 5G wireless may struggle in rural areas, especially ones with plenty of trees and foliage, and may encounter other issues and problems because of low population density.  So, how can one close the huge gap between the service advantages and cost requirements of 5G?

We see two potential solutions for these issues. First, we and other network service providers can judicially deploy fiber strategically close to rural areas.

And the second solution is the deployment of fixed wireless combined with 5G. Another feasible approach is to use the 5G Internet network for the “last mile(s)” and link these 5G service pockets to more cost-effective and efficient landline long haul networks.

5G will bring telecom customers in rural areas faster speeds and reduced latency. To best capitalize on this amazing opportunity, telecom carriers need an up-to-date and reliable infrastructure optimized for easy scalability. CherryRoad has the knowledge, talent, and expertise to help partner carriers expand capacity and extend coverage. You can contact us to explore telecom infrastructure options in your area. To request a proposal for 5G Broadband services in your region, mail us at